America and Terrorism – Fox News is wrong

Hey ‪FoxNews‬, your news program is just a brain washing propaganda bullshit. I’d just like to give a few facts as to why your ‘Founding Fathers’ were terrorists just as much as you think ‘Muslims’ are terrorists. From a Christians perspective…

In a world of a population of roughly 750 million people, roughly 70,000 were killed due to the American Revolution because your founding fathers decided they didn’t want to follow someone else’s rules. Sound familiar?
Those ‘brave’ men also wrote the American constitution which includes the clause of ‘Right to bare arms’. In 2014, 69 children under the age of 12 were killed by guns. A total number of 1,649 deaths, 2,640 injuries and fucking 26 mass shootings! That is one mass shooting every 2 weeks!!! Well done on giving your country a mean to kill and cause so much suffering internally. You’re government is pretty much micro world terrorists purely for the fact they won’t change the constitution.

Did you know the war your precious country declared on Afgan, Operation Enduring Freedom, in 2001 to today has estimated to have kill at least 21,000 civilians in one country of 30 million people. Can you even comprehend how insanely depressing that is?

I’m currently traveling through your country enjoying what it has to offer, and some of it is absolutely beautiful! But the small minded bullshit you aired tonight is making me want to cry.

Just incase, a terrorist is defined as a person or organization (terrorist organization) who intentionally causes terror to an individual or group.

I wonder how much fear and terror your government is inflicting into the homes of civilians throughout Afgan, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Pakistan.

Recycling Adventures – Taking a Shot at Something New!

Today, the adventure continues! On the 11th of February we set off from Sydney International airport in Australia and flew all the way through to Auckland, New Zealand. Luckily we only had a short two hour stop over before departing again to Los Angeles, but that two hour window also closed up quickly. Mostly due to the non-serious issue we encountered at the airport were a bag had been left in attendant for 30 minutes. I remember that after alerting security and coming out of our shop wonders, watching the security guard steer travellers away from the area ‘just-in-case’. Even though it was something so small, it made the stay in New Zealand go quick and a little exciting!

After we landed at LAX, we caught a shuttle service from the airport to Anaheim! Obviously turning 21 meant I’m now an adult, and what a good way to start your adult holiday by releasing your inner child!!! At the end of the stay in Anaheim, blisters on the feet from wearing new shoes (stupid me) and new amazing friends we had met, it was time to get a hire car and road trip it to Phoenix to see some of my favourite mini humans!

I understand Dodge cars are quiet common in the USA, but for me – I’ve always known them to be fancy. I was so excited when I was given the keys to a gorgeous perfect white Dodge Dolt! Driving on the right hand side of the road (the wrong side of the road) wasn’t new for me, but it almost felt like it was!


Eventually we ended up were we are now! Waking up just about to leave Phoenix to head to one of my most favourite places in the world. My mini human friends call is the Grand Candy, but the rest of the world calls it the Grand Canyon.

It was 14 months ago I was in the same town and country as I am right now. Phoenix, Arizona. It was probably one of the most self growing and adventurous experience of my short 21 years of life so far.
This is just a high light, who wants to be bored with the details of seeing old friends and making new ones!

To summarise, thank you to Scottsdale Shooting Range who have taught me how to shoot. Let’s just say that shooting has now become so much easier during the second time shooting through your amazing staff! I even managed to hit a 1/1 head shot at 70ft and some how 3/3 head shots at 50ft with a ROF Rifle. Teaching someone how to shoot even though it’s only your second time is scary! But seeing you’re improving is awesome also!



One of the most precious memories and life lessons I’ve learnt is that all humans want to be heard. Even if they are mini sized!!! During our shopping spree day, Samuel who is 6, helped me pick out some clothes. He loved being involved and having a say, and he loved being heard. He chose out a couple of tops and dresses, most of which I bought! Walking out of the change rooms to show Samuel what his outfit looked like on me was nerve racking! But he smiled, and told me I looked beautiful every time! I remember slightly changing my line of sight over to my partner who would agree, I’d have a quick look in the mirror and 90% of the time, I agreed! Not only was it fun for him as well as me, not only did we bond and he loved the fact that he could have an opinion, he chose clothes I walked straight past and they looked great on!!! The dress he picked for me is one of my favourite dresses now!

The dress Samuel (6) picked out for me

So the adventure continues! Off to the Grand Candy, followed by Vegas were I hope I don’t become poor and broke! After all, I’m going to need money to be able to afford to snowboard once we get to Park City is Utah after our Vegas shenanigans!

If anyone has anything to recommend to do here, please share. I have 1 week of unplanned activities and need to find something to fill them in with!!!


Can a relationship work without communication? Is it possible to spend your life with someone when you can’t even talk about things that matter to you, and vise versa.

I’m not just talking about the little things on whether the dogs have been fed, what time your partner will be home for work, who’s cooking dinner tonight or what clothes are dirty and need to be washed. I’m talking about everything that matters to you and you find enjoyable to talk about.

Take me for example, I enjoy talking about politics, documentaries, history, famine, abortion and vaccination ethics, cultures, general learning and new human discoveries. I like learning people’s opinions, their cultures, backgrounds to country’s and people.
Now take my partner for example, he likes talking about gaming (PC, Role Play and Cards), snowboarding, Disney movies and fairy tales, snowboarding, sports and maybe some more snowboarding. See the difference?

Reality is, I can never manage to talk to him about the medical benefits of marijuana for brain cancers, brain tumours and leukaemia. I can’t mutter a word of whats going on with the Bali 9 and the pending executions, the journalists of Al-Jazeera currently held prisoners in Egypt, philosophy or anything else going on in the world that touches me and makes me think about how lucky I am to live in a fairy tale. Even if it is positive like having two of the Al-Jazeera journalists set free or a new awesome book I’m reading, I can’t seem to find a single care for talking to my other half about what I’m interested in.

And to be honest, I couldn’t speak more truth than now saying that I easily zone out when he starts talking about things I don’t care about, but he enjoys. Things such as ‘this girl on Twitch.Tv playing this person in Dungeons and Dragons is so bad and almost killed everyone’, or a new awesome card from Magic: The Gathering would go great in his Jeskai deck.
Whenever we get on the topic of communication it always ends in the sweet sound of nothingness because we both ignore each other and walk away.

Can relationships really work and function if there is no communication or connection to your other half on the things you’re dying to share with someone. I’m thinking, the pure excitement of finding out something which tickles in all the good spots such as a dog who shakes his leg to let the patter know that they are in the perfect spot. Things like a quote from a philosopher which completely revolutionises the way you think about something and how it changed your train of thought, or a new champion in League of Legends who is a perfect match to the main role your play and your play style. Wagging your tail so hard that your hold bum starts shaking.

And the exact same when a cat spikes its fur up or a dog hides his tail in between his legs, so frightened that his tail is perfectly pressed again his belly. The shock horror feeling of knowing Aussie Socceroo’s Robbie Kruse obtained a serious injury and is now out of the game for 12 months, the raw shock that you need to share with someone to help comprehend it or learning about more civilian and child casualties in the Syrian War. Just that feeling of shock, sadness and slight fear for your favourite team or young children, that you just need to growl or bark to let them know your reaction.
Instead, you seem to growl followed by a snap at your partner because they didn’t seem to take in how you’re feeling on the matter. Not even that slight acknowledgement, usually followed by the one worded careless response of ‘So?’
The good. The bad. The ugly. And the worse.

I feel that communication on hobbies, interests and our passions that we want to verbally share with our significant other is an act of love. Wanting to let that person in to share our minds train of thought.

But in saying that, I still can’t seem to find the patience, acceptance and appreciation that my partner has taken their time to invite me into their minds world. And my partner can’t seem to do the same.
I can’t express how hurt I am always feeling after hearing him shut me down for being a ‘negative focused person’. For telling me I’m a miserable depressive person for wanting to know what’s going on in the world. For telling me I’m a conflict addict because I like debating with people about the socialisation in children in different cultures, and I like hearing people’s opinions in politics whether I agree, disagree or change my mind to share opinions with them. But I know I probably hurt him when I tell him he should stop living in a fairy tale because bad things do happen in the world, the world isn’t a Disney movie where everyone gets a happily ever after. Even in Disney movies, there is always a dark side. He probably hurts each and every time I tell him he is wasting his time and not doing something constructive when he is sitting on the computer watching stream. And he probably feels the same when I surf the net for latest information on current affairs and new events.

He calls me negative and I call him lazy, and I feel that this is all because of our lack of communication. I think we want to share who we are with each other, but we love each other and not each other’s mental interests. I feel in love with him for his smile, his laugh, his ability to make me happy when I’m sad, and his perfect hugging ability for his short height. Not for his passion for watching TheOddOne stream, or Node on YouTube. I knew it came as part of the package, as did he know my strong personality trait of always sharing my opinion whether it’s wanted or not. But I never through that after nearly 4-5 years, communication on the bigs things would be so difficult when we have communication on the small things down-packed.
We are young in age and in relationship, and we are still growing. I just hope we can grow together in other areas of our lives, and not grow apart. Grow together in communication, on the ‘don’t sweat it‘ kinda issues and on the ‘holy shit!‘ moments also.

A glide path is a soar spot

To be a successful frequent flyer you need a lot of connections!

To be a successful pilot in my case I need about $80,000!! So my decision to become a pilot is up in the air ATM. It’s like my life has hit turbulence and sent everything flying about in a horrid mess! How can a 20 year old find that kind of money to start a dream career without selling herself and waiting 20 years more!

It’s like my dream is stuck in the clouds over my head! I was always told it’s easy to make a small fortune in aviation, but now I realise that it is because you start with a big fortune!

Patience is a virtue I wasn’t born with, but this wait it definitely teaching me a new level of patience.

Children’s world

As long as we are children, we have the ability to experience things around us–but then we grow adjusted to the world. To grow up is to get drunk on sensory experience.

So now you must choose… Are you a child who has not yet become world-weary? Or are you a philosopher who will vow never to become so? To children, the world and everything in it is new, something that gives rise to astonishment. It is not like that for adults. Most adults accept the world as a matter of course. This is precisely where philosophers are a notable exception. A philosopher never gets quite used to the world. To him or her, the world continues to seem a bit unreasonable – bewildering, even enigmatic. Philosophers and small children thus have an important faculty in common. The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder…

Jostein Gaarder

Cancer Moments

Sometimes I rather be the person diagnosed with cancer then to find out someone I care about has just been diagnosed. And I know this probably sounds so stupid and naive but trying to be strong for someone seems a lot harder then being strong for yourself. I know for me personally, in a moment of weakness when I need support about this topic, I feel like I’m stealing attention away from the person who needs it most.

For a 20 year old, finding out that someone you know, someone you care about, family or adopted family has just been diagnosed – it isn’t an easy process. Even for someone so young, I’ve had friends all through my schooling life from age 7-17 be diagnosed with all different forms of cancer, and this is something that never becomes easier.

Today I just watched a friend quit a job he loved and move back home to be with his father (who has welcomed me into their home, lives and family so easily and happily) who was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. His sister who have offered me old clothes and jewellery and treats me like an adopted sister, just caught a flight from her home in Europe to come back home for family. Cancer doesn’t just effect the person who it’s starting a cage fight with, it effects everyone in that persons world.

I still struggle understanding how someone copes with knowing someone who has any form of life debilitating health issues. Watching someone who was once strong, capable and glowing become someone with pasty skin, under weight, weak but still happy sends me on an emotional roller coaster.

I have lost loved ones from all different periods in my life from cancer or other serious diseases, and know people still suffering and it never seems to get easier. Already I’m feeling conflicted about this post because I’m struggling to understand whether I’m being selfish expressing how I jump on a roller coaster of emotional madness when I’m not the one who is going through all the pain.

If anyone has any advice, please share because I’d love to hear it! If you have a local cancer charity, please donate and help raise funds for a cure!

Check out if you want to make a donation!! I know someone who would appreciate the thought of helping them find a cure to help him!


RIP Johnny


Meet Kunai


Kunai is my new baby. She is a stunning Ninja 300 with ABS. And I couldn’t be any happier. It’s taken years of desire, determination and hassle to obtain this little beast, but without a doubt. It was all worth it!

Today was one of those days, where upon sitting in the Kawasaki dealership, I realised how amazing my life is and how I have unknowingly planned out the next several years of my life and how it has all shaped and blended perfectly together to form a life I only dreamed of living. Almost like an artist mixing colours on a page to create a masterpiece. Everything is falling together perfectly and I am so happy to cross another line off my bucket list in my little red book.

Being a Donor

I am officially a blood donor!!!


Yesterday, Saturday the 15th of March I donated 470ml of blood. One in every three people require a blood donation at least once in their life and unfortunately only one in thirty donate! I’m proud to say that I am that one in thirty!!

It was a little bit of a longer process for me in being eligible to donate following certain medical criteria needing to be met. Firstly I was suffering from incapacitating migraines on a daily basis. Turns out my spine was heavily out of alignment and put intense pressure on my neck and skull causing these pains. After seeing an amazing Chiropractor – my spine has been realigned. That was the first obstacle that I jumped over to be able to claim myself as apart of a special donor club.

So, this blood donation hopefully won’t be my only donation – thus causing me another hurdle to jump over before I could donate. I am currently in the process of becoming an Egg Donor to an amazing husband and wife in Melbourne, Australia. Because the nurse at the donation centre was worried about the loss of blood effecting my iron levels and therefore potentially the quality of my eggs/fertility levels, it could of imposed a set back for the egg donation but I was quickly cleared by a doctor saying I was able to donate.

It only took less then 9 minutes to have a total of 500ml to be withdrawn from my body. Out of the half litre drained from me, 470ml will be donated to someone who is in need of a little extra blood, while 30ml will be tested to be sure that my blood is healthy enough to be transfused into a sick somebody to make them a healthier somebody.

On another note….egg donation!!

Generally in Australia, there is a huge demand for donors, causing women to go over sea’s spending tens and thousands of dollars on attempting to locate and receive an egg donation.


If you’re interested in finding out more about the amount of women who go over sea’s to find Donors and the costs they spend, check out the websites listed below. There are also plenty of Facebook groups for Australian and New Zealand women who are needing donors where you’re able to talk to them, other egg donors and see if it’s something that you might consider doing.

I am not receiving any form of payment or remuneration, this is 100% a donation. It is actually illegal to receive any form of payment for any donation from blood, eggs or sperm (any human tissue) in Australia. That is probably why there is such a difference on the amount of women and men who donate their genetic material in Australia in comparison to a different country such as the United States or Thailand.

If you’re interested in more information about Egg Donors, I encourage you to at least check out the very first website listed below. There are also more information on Forums such as BubHub or Facebook pages such as Egg Donors – Australia and New Zealand.

For egg donation links
Egg Donor Article – SBS
Egg Donor Angles

For Blood Donation Links
Red Cross Blood Donation Info
Donate Blood – Australia

Best Friends

Friendship that is one of a kind.

There is no better friendship then that between a human and dog. Unconditional love, fun, torment (when she is off her lead won’t come back), dependence and independence. She trusts me and I trust her….sometimes.

Cuddles on demand, someone who knows when I’m upset and someone who needs me just as much I need them.


